When you request a new password, you should receive an email confirming the request within five to ten minutes of the request. If you haven’t received your password reset email, this could be due to several reasons:
- The email we sent was received in spam or junk folders. Sometimes emails from Meetup get caught in spam or junk folders. If you find any emails from Meetup in your spam folder, mark them as safe to avoid the same in the future. If you use Gmail, make sure you also check the Social tab in your inbox.
- You may have registered to Meetup using a third-party service. This scenario should trigger a specific error message inviting you to choose another login method, as our system does not recognize your log-in attempt through email and password. In that case, to sign back in to your account, use Facebook, Google, or Apple buttons on the Login page.
- You may not be receiving emails from Meetup. Your password reset email was sent from info@accounts.meetup.com. You can add this email address to your address book or contacts list and try requesting a new password again.
- If you requested a new password and you’re not receiving any emails from Meetup, please contact us and let us know you’ve requested a password reset, but have not received an email.