By popular demand, organizers can now add promo codes for attendees RSVPing to their paid events. This marketing feature can be modified to suit the needs of your community, empowering Meetup Organizers to create and distribute custom promotional discounts to their group members. Drive RSVPs by offering discounts to VIPs, first time attendees, anyone showing up for a special event, and more.
A promo code consists of a unique keyword (such as VIP, HALFOFF, or FIRSTVISIT), as well as the price, date range, and quantity limit of tickets available. You can create your own promo code, as long as it is 20 characters or less.
Multiple promotional codes can be offered for the same event. Promo codes created for a specific event will not save to the next event you create -- you'll need to create a new promo code for your next event.
To add a new promo code to your event, follow these steps:
Desktop web
- When scheduling an event, scroll down to the Event fee section.
- Check This is a paid event.
- Choose a method: Direct from member or PayPal.
- Confirm the currency and amount.
- Check Add a new promo code.
- Set your promo code, discounted price, the date range of your offer, and quantity limit of tickets available.
- Click Add Promo Code.
If you choose a date range for your event, you will not be able to make that event into a repeating event. Adding a promo code without a date range to a repeating event will allow that code to be applied to any event in that series.
The details of a promo code cannot be edited once it's been added to your event. If you'd like to adjust any details (including the code itself, the price, date range, or number of tickets available), delete the promo code you've created and add a new one with the proper details.
Tracking promo code usage
Using multiple promo codes can enable you to track the success of different marketing strategies. For example, using a special promo code when sharing your event on social media can indicate how many RSVPs come from that platform.
Combining with early bird pricing
Promo codes can be used at the same time as early bird pricing. Together these features can boost RSVPs and engagement. Learn more about setting up early bird pricing.