Meetup’s logo represents bringing people together to do the things that matter most to them. We call it the Meetup swarm and it’s created when individual dots unite to form the “m” symbol. You can download official Meetup logos from our Media page.
You can use the Meetup logo to promote an event or group, so long as you:
- Include the name of your group along with the Meetup logo.
- Do not use a Meetup logo in connection with any of the actions prohibited by the Meetup's Terms of Service.
- Do not use a Meetup logo in a way that may imply a false relationship with or endorsement by Meetup.
We’re all about creativity, but if you wish to use a variation or “mash-up” of a Meetup logo to promote an event or group, please also:
- Include the name of your group along with the Meetup logo variation
- Do not alter the color or height/width proportions of a Meetup logo
- Do not use a variation of “Meetup” (e.g., “meet up,” “meet-up,” “metup,” etc.)
Please note that organizers and members using a Meetup Logo or variation must comply with Meetup’s Terms of Service.