Meetup Pro’s network analytics helps you track members, events, and RSVPs in your network. Explore your network's trends to discover what resonates with your local communities and optimize your outreach.
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View your Pro network analytics
To view your Pro network analytics:
- Log into your Meetup account.
- Navigate to your Pro Dashboard by clicking the link on the upper right corner.
- Select the Analytics tab on the left-hand side.
Select Filters, located at the top of the page, to sort your network data by group and/or time period. Apply a series of filters to focus on specific groups in your network.
You can use the ‘Active Groups’ filter to show data only for groups currently part of your Meetup Pro network. If you turn this toggle off, you will see data for all groups that have ever been a part of your Meetup Pro network, including groups you closed down.
💡 Your analytics data is refreshed every 24 hours.
Data on the analytics page
Member data
You can track trends on how many new members have joined your network each day, week or month. You can also see the overall value you’ve received from Meetup by looking at the all time cumulative count of new members - in other words, all of the new members Meetup helped you connect with.
RSVP data
You can use this data to identify seasonality within your community, and measure the impact of specific events or initiatives you work on through the year.
Group data
Community growth can be measured by membership, as well as the number of locations where you have a presence. The ‘Group count over time’ chart helps you track how your community is expanding or contracting over time.