Start a group, organize events, and get connected with interested members. Meetup helps you transform common interests into genuine connections.
Set up your subscription during the process of creating your first Meetup group. Learn more about the benefits of starting a group on Meetup.
Organizer subscription price breakdown
Choose between the available billing cycles.
Prices may vary based on your location, currency, and on subscriptions started through the Meetup app (iOS and Android). U.S. sales taxes or other taxes may apply.
What you can do with a Meetup subscription:
✔ Organize up to three groups with unlimited members
✔ Promote your group to our network of potential members
✔ Easily schedule events and communicate with members
✔ Appoint a leadership team to help manage your group
✔ Set membership dues and event fees to help cover costs
Meetup Pro
Meetup Pro is separate from standard Meetup subscriptions. Create an unlimited number of groups in a single network, and help your brand reach audiences through community-supported events.
Learn more about the price and benefits of Meetup Pro.