When you create an event, you can share it with your members right away, or wait to announce it later. Once published, your event will appear on your group calendar and homepage, but your members will not receive a notification until you announce the event.
Our Community Support specialists walk you through announcing your events in this video:
How announcements reach your members
Depending on their account settings, members will receive notifications of varying importance and interest. Because of this, your members may not consistently receive your group's event announcements via email or push notification.
Every event announcement is always visible in a member's on-site notifications. We're continuously testing ways to promote events to members, and to ensure that the notifications we send are the most impactful and relevant they can be.
While it may seem counterintuitive to send fewer emails and push notifications to your members, we've learned that fewer and more impactful notifications result in more members RSVPing to your events and fewer members unsubscribing from notifications altogether.
If your members report that they are not receiving event announcements, they may need to update their email settings or push notification settings. They can also contact Meetup's Community Support team directly.
Sending the announcement
After you publish your event, you'll be prompted to announce it to your members. To send an invitation immediately, select Announce it now. Your members will receive a notification on Meetup through various channels like onsite, email, or push.
You will receive a confirmation email that the event has been scheduled.
Sending an announcement later
If you’ve selected Do it later, there is an Announce button on the event page. This reminder will remain at the top of your event homepage until seven days before the event is scheduled to take place.
If you don’t make your announcement within seven days of the event, the Announce button on the event will disappear. We’ll automatically send a reminder to your members six days and one day before the event.
Announcing multiple events
Meetup's announcement notifications are optimized to reach your members and interested people in your area. Some organizers choose to schedule multiple upcoming events and announce them all right away. To maximize delivery of your announcements, we recommend waiting at least fifteen minutes between announcing each upcoming event.
Automatic event reminders
Members of your group receive notifications about an upcoming event, in addition to the initial announcement (if you made one).
- 1- and 7-day reminders are sent to members whose accounts are active, but who haven't accessed Meetup or RSVPd for any events in a while. Reminders will let them know that an interesting event they may want to attend is coming up soon.
- Day-of reminders are only sent via push notification to members who are RSVPd as YES for the event.
If your group has scheduled multiple upcoming events, these event reminders may compile each reminder into one notification.
Tips for successful event announcements
Want to connect with top organizers who use Meetup to build thriving communities? Join the Meetup Organizer Community on Discord and learn more about when and how to announce your events!