We know that things change, and that’s OK. Leaving a Meetup group will unsubscribe you from all notifications for that group and will prevent you from RSVPing to Meetups. If you change your mind, you’re always welcome to rejoin.
We know that things change, and that’s OK. Leaving a Meetup group will unsubscribe you from all notifications for that group and will prevent you from RSVPing to Meetups. If you change your mind, you’re always welcome to rejoin.
A member can leave a Meetup group without specifying why they leave or let the organizer know they are leaving. This is meant to respect the member's privacy settings.
Desktop & Mobile Web
- Log in to your account
- Go to the homepage for the Meetup group you want to leave
- Click You’re a member
- Click Leave Group from the drop-down menu
- Optionally, you may write a message for the organizer upon leaving the group
Android & iOS App
- Log in to your account
- Go to the homepage for the Meetup group you want to leave
- Tap the three dots icon in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Leave Group from the drop-down menu
- Optionally, you may write a message for the organizer upon leaving the group
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